Gets user based on the provided query parameters. This function is only available on the server (a secret key is required in the client).
import { getUser } from "thirdweb/wallets"; const user = await getUser({ client, walletAddress: "0x123...",});
function getUser(options: { client: ThirdwebClient; ecosystem?: Ecosystem; email?: string; externalWalletAddress?: string; id?: string; phone?: string; walletAddress?: string;}): Promise<null | GetUserResult>;
The options for the get user function.
let options: { client: ThirdwebClient; ecosystem?: Ecosystem; email?: string; externalWalletAddress?: string; id?: string; phone?: string; walletAddress?: string;};
let returnType: { createdAt: string; email?: string; phone?: string; profiles: Array<Profile>; userId: string; walletAddress: string;};
A user object or null if not found.