What are Modular Contracts?
Modular contracts is a framework that enables the creation of highly customizable and upgradeable smart contracts. Modular contracts is designed to encompass a broad number of use cases without compromising on the ease and security of creating smart contracts with thirdweb.

Modular contracts are composed of two components:
- Core Contract: smart contracts that serve as the foundation of the modular contract
- Module Contract: smart contracts that are installed on top of the core contract
You can think of Modular Contracts like building bricks. Pick a core, install modules, and swap them out to enable different functionality.
Build contracts to only add features relevant to your use case
Enable ability to add, configure, and remove modules post-deployment
Core & Module contracts published by thirdweb are audited
Usable with frameworks such as Hardhat and Foundry
Increased gas-savings on deployment and for end-users
Integration Options
Deploy through Explore, SDKs, or Contract Wizard (coming soon)